Personal blog


monk, yoga and meditation teacher

On the importance of the meditation for modern human being.

*As a little bonus - poems, spiritual stories and Kiirtans.
A few words
About my past, present and dreams

I’m a monk in the Ananda Marga tradition given by the Indian master Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtijii. In my blog, you’ll find out why I chose this path and this teaching, the spiritual stories and personal insights, and of course about Ananda Marga, its philosophy and my Master.

Dada Vireshvar is a monk of the Ananda Marga tradition, a yogi, and a meditation teacher.

Namaskar, my dears! 🙏

My name is Dada Vireshwar and I am a monk of the Ananda Marga tradition, a yoga and meditation teacher.

In 2019, I left my old life and long career as a computer programmer, grabbed a backpack and set out to travel in search of a teacher, a sage who would guide me on my path to knowing God and help me solve the mystery that lingered in my mind, which was ‘Do you exist?

My plan was simple – if God exists and I can feel it at least a little bit, then I want to dedicate my life to what He created me to do, and if it turns out that He doesn’t exist, then everything that happens around me, the endless cycle of actions in pursuit of happiness, just doesn’t make sense. So began my journey to God, which led me to the greatest Master, Sri Sri Anandamurtiji, and his teachings.

On this page I will tell you about the Teachings and the Master, share reflections, spiritual stories, insights, snippets of my journey and my creativity in the form of poems and short stories. ✨

May the strength of those who conquer spiritual peaks never leave them. Namaskar! 🙏

About My Master

Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtijii

Man’s life is measured; it is not rational to spend it studying hundreds of thousands of pages of scriptures. One should devote as much time as possible to the practical aspects of spirituality; to understand as quickly as possible the nature and structure of the mind, body, consciousness and the world around him, and to begin the practice of realising the Supreme. This is the approach that a wise seeker chooses; this is how he attracts a teacher into his life, is able to follow him and achieve outstanding results.

Шри Шри Анандамуртиджи | Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtijii

He has given the world a system of spiritual practices, values, a complete spiritual philosophy and an inspiring ideology which, if approached sincerely, can transform an ordinary person into an extraordinary personality. The special contribution of the Master is that he gave a socio-economic theory of progressive utilisation based on spiritual and moral principles and a way of looking at the world through the eyes of love, which he called Neohumanism, out of concern for the whole of humanity. This is his greatness and sanctity.

He put all his ideas into the form of both books and a collection of 5018 spiritual songs that can speak about the world, God, the nature of all living things and the purpose of man in my favourite form – the form of poetry.

The disciples of Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtijii are the embodiment of his ideology and are doing their best to serve the world and cultivate morality and love in society.

It is with special joy that I am ready to share the knowledge of His teachings so that people will know who Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtijii is and how to use His knowledge to build a new ecological society.

We all know that people today need a new positive outlook and a new way of life that can develop in each of us a sense of unconditional love and responsibility for every inhabitant of this beautiful world. 🌱

About his teaching

Ánanda Márga – The Path of Bliss.

It is the path on which the disciple moves from imperfection to perfection through a daily effort called sadhana. By perfecting the mind and body day by day, the disciple is established in the unconditional love for the world that fills every moment of the universe’s existence.

The goals of such spiritual practices are to realise the Supreme and to serve the world.

In the path of bliss, the key points are: morality, discipline and absolute sincerity in following Guru’s instructions.

Sadhana involves:

– At the beginning level, a basic meditation technique with the mantra “Baba Nam Kevalam” and basic asanas.
– At the advanced level, a practice system of 6 lessons with a personal mantra, a personalised asana complex, in-depth study of spiritual and social philosophy and service to the world.

Regardless of the level of practice, in order to achieve the best results, the spiritual aspirant should:
– Learn and follow the yogic system of moral principles.
– Meditate at least twice a day (morning and evening) before meals.
– Perform asanas at least once a day before meals.
– Prepare for a gradual transition to a vegetarian diet.

This lifestyle will help the spiritual aspirant:
– Gradually give up bad habits.
– Balance their nervous system.
– Develop mindfulness.
– Learn to manage emotions.
– Improve health and develop physical flexibility.
– Become happier
– Cultivate a feeling of unconditional love for the world.
– Genuinely enjoy every moment of life.

Ananda Margiis is an established disciples; a spiritual moralists who perform sadhana twice a day and doing his or her best in serving the world with only motivation is bliss. So a person does actions from a state of bliss to give love to the world without expecting anything in return.

Would you like to take part in building society of such people? Then Ananda Marga is what you need 😊

Follow your heart

How to choose the right turn in life. Dada's own story to become a monk and meditation teacher.

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